Download the zip-file with all the lectures
Kvetoslava Burda
“Energy and Electron Transfer in Photosynthesis Investigated with Mössbauer Spectroscopy”
Stefaan Cottenier
“Getting Insight in Condensed Matter by
ab initio
Ab initio
Calculation of Hyperfine Interaction Parameters: Recent Evolutions, Resent Examples
Ludwik Dobrzyñski
“Bayesian Analysis of the Spectroscopic Data”
H.-J. Elmers
Picosecond-resolution Photoelectron Microscopy of Fast Magnetization Processes
Pablo Esquinazi
“Magnetism in Carbon: Past, Present and Future Research”
Melvyn Folkard
“Understanding Radiation Damage to Cells Using Microbeams”
“Investigating mechanisms of radiation-induced DNA damage using low energy photons”
Andreas Hauptner
“Irradiation of Living Cells with Single Ions at the Ion Microprobe SNAKE”
Keith W. Jones
“Properties of New York/New Jersey Harbor Sediments”
Pawel Korecki
“Holographic Fine Structure in Nuclear Resonant Absorption”
Ursula Schröter
“Electronic Transport Through Quantum Point Contacts”
Mikio Takai
“Nanoprobe Applications in Low Dimensional Systems”
Marcel Toulemonde
Nano - Structure Produced with Swift Heavy Ions”
Philip E. Wigen
“Ferromagnetic Resonance Force Microscopy in Micromagnetic Materials”